wild Thomas
This garden in Ealing demanded a complete rethink of the space. The brief was to turn an under-utilised garden into a space for enjoying the natural world. The client wanted minimal hard landscaping with a focus on planting that was beneficial to bees and insects.
We started by removing an 18 meter long, 5 meter hight Lleylandii hedge that was blocking out all the light and starving the soil of nutrients.
The back of the garden is largely coniferous hedging which inhibits both grass and border growth.To get around this we created a utility area at the back of the garden by fencing it off to create a false boundary which was then used as the backdrop for a planted seating area. Behind the fencing houses a small shed and double compost bins. Finally, a substantial veg bed was built into the garden at the clients request.
As the focal point of the garden, we created 2 small wildflower meadows in the centre. A Lutyens Style teak bench in a small clearing provides a space to sit and observe.
The Wildflowers are complemented by perennial beds and dwarf fruit trees around the boundary of the property.
Wildflower Garden - Ealing